
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Eight Types of Intelligence

Here are the eight types of intelligence by Howard Gardner,
Professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard University:

1) Verbal linguistics are sensitive to words and language. They are skilled in one or more of the areas of writing, speaking, listening and reading.

2) Logical mathematical dominant people rely on logic and numbers in their thinking.

3) Interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability to sense other people's feelings and know how to relate to others.

4) Intrapersonal intelligent people have a good understanding of themselves. They are more reflective and are comfortable and happy when they are alone.

5) Kinesthetic intelligent people are good at expressing themselves through bodily movements. They tend to excel in sports and learn physical activities more easily.

6) Musical intelligence can be exhibited in music appreciation, playing of musical instruments, singing or writing music.

7) Visual spatial refers to having good spatial awareness and orientation. It also encompasses the skills in visualising, space planning and drawing.

8) Naturalist abilities include understanding and working with animals, plants and ecosystems.

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